View GEE objects using Python
geeViz.geeView is the core module for managing GEE objects on the geeViz mapper object. geeViz instantiates an instance of the mapper class as Map by default. Layers can be added to the map using Map.addLayer or Map.addTimeLapse and then viewed using the Map.view method.
[255,255,255] -> "#FFFFFF" |
Get root domain for a given url |
Remove trailing '....' in generated access token |
Takes in a list of RGB sub-lists and returns dictionary of colors in RGB and hex form for use in a graphing function defined later on |
Tries to find the current Google Cloud Platform project id |
Take a palette and a set of min and max stretch values to get a 1:1 value to color hex list |
Return (red, green, blue) for the color given as #rrggbb. |
See if a given port number is currently active |
Check if inside Jupyter shell |
returns a gradient list of (n) colors between two hex colors. |
returns a list of colors forming linear gradients between all sequential pairs of colors. |
Get a refresh token from currently authenticated ee instance |
A method that tries to authenticate and/or initialize GEE if it isn't already successfully initialized. |
Start a local webserver using the Python http.server |
Get a refresh token from service account key file credentials |
Sets the project id of an instance of ee |
Tries to initialize GEE with a given project id. |
Primary geeViz map setup and manipulation object |