Import libraries¶
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import ee
import geemap
import ee
import geemap
Create an interactive map¶
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Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Add Earth Engine Python script¶
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# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# Functions for implementing a Sentinel II cloud mask.
# Join two collections on their 'system:index' property.
# The propertyName parameter is the name of the property
# that references the joined image.
def indexJoin(collectionA, collectionB, propertyName):
joined = ee.ImageCollection(ee.Join.saveFirst(propertyName).apply({
'primary': collectionA,
'secondary': collectionB,
'condition': ee.Filter.equals({
'leftField': 'system:index',
'rightField': 'system:index'})
# Merge the bands of the joined image.
def func_oxa(image):
return image.addBands(ee.Image(image.get(propertyName)))
return joined.map(func_oxa)
# Aggressively mask clouds and shadows.
def maskImage(image):
# Compute the cloud displacement index from the L1C bands.
cdi = ee.Algorithms.Sentinel2.CDI(image)
s2c = image.select('probability')
cirrus = image.select('B10').multiply(0.0001)
# Assume low-to-mid atmospheric clouds to be pixels where probability
# is greater than 65%, and CDI is less than -0.5. For higher atmosphere
# cirrus clouds, assume the cirrus band is greater than 0.01.
# The final cloud mask is one or both of these conditions.
isCloud = s2c.gt(65).And(cdi.lt(-0.5)).Or(cirrus.gt(0.01))
# Reproject is required to perform spatial operations at 20m scale.
# 20m scale is for speed, and assumes clouds don't require 10m precision.
isCloud = isCloud.focal_min(3).focal_max(16)
isCloud = isCloud.reproject({'crs': cdi.projection(), 'scale': 20})
# Project shadows from clouds we found in the last step. This assumes we're working in
# a UTM projection.
shadowAzimuth = ee.Number(90) \
# With the following reproject, the shadows are projected 5km.
isCloud = isCloud.directionalDistanceTransform(shadowAzimuth, 50)
isCloud = isCloud.reproject({'crs': cdi.projection(), 'scale': 100})
isCloud = isCloud.select('distance').mask()
return image.select('B2', 'B3', 'B4').updateMask(isCloud.Not())
exports.maskImage = maskImage
exports.indexJoin = indexJoin
# LGTM (nclinton)
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# Functions for implementing a Sentinel II cloud mask.
# Join two collections on their 'system:index' property.
# The propertyName parameter is the name of the property
# that references the joined image.
def indexJoin(collectionA, collectionB, propertyName):
joined = ee.ImageCollection(ee.Join.saveFirst(propertyName).apply({
'primary': collectionA,
'secondary': collectionB,
'condition': ee.Filter.equals({
'leftField': 'system:index',
'rightField': 'system:index'})
# Merge the bands of the joined image.
def func_oxa(image):
return image.addBands(ee.Image(image.get(propertyName)))
return joined.map(func_oxa)
# Aggressively mask clouds and shadows.
def maskImage(image):
# Compute the cloud displacement index from the L1C bands.
cdi = ee.Algorithms.Sentinel2.CDI(image)
s2c = image.select('probability')
cirrus = image.select('B10').multiply(0.0001)
# Assume low-to-mid atmospheric clouds to be pixels where probability
# is greater than 65%, and CDI is less than -0.5. For higher atmosphere
# cirrus clouds, assume the cirrus band is greater than 0.01.
# The final cloud mask is one or both of these conditions.
isCloud = s2c.gt(65).And(cdi.lt(-0.5)).Or(cirrus.gt(0.01))
# Reproject is required to perform spatial operations at 20m scale.
# 20m scale is for speed, and assumes clouds don't require 10m precision.
isCloud = isCloud.focal_min(3).focal_max(16)
isCloud = isCloud.reproject({'crs': cdi.projection(), 'scale': 20})
# Project shadows from clouds we found in the last step. This assumes we're working in
# a UTM projection.
shadowAzimuth = ee.Number(90) \
# With the following reproject, the shadows are projected 5km.
isCloud = isCloud.directionalDistanceTransform(shadowAzimuth, 50)
isCloud = isCloud.reproject({'crs': cdi.projection(), 'scale': 100})
isCloud = isCloud.select('distance').mask()
return image.select('B2', 'B3', 'B4').updateMask(isCloud.Not())
exports.maskImage = maskImage
exports.indexJoin = indexJoin
# LGTM (nclinton)
Display the interactive map¶
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