F53a Checkpoint
Import libraries¶
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import ee
import geemap
import ee
import geemap
Create an interactive map¶
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Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Add Earth Engine Python script¶
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# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: F5.3 Advanced Vector Operations
# Checkpoint: F53a
# Author: Ujaval Gandhi
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
blocks = ee.FeatureCollection("TIGER/2010/Blocks")
roads = ee.FeatureCollection("TIGER/2016/Roads")
sfNeighborhoods = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/gee-book/assets/F5-0/SFneighborhoods")
geometry = sfNeighborhoods.geometry()
# Creating a Choropleth Map
# Filter blocks to the San Francisco boundary.
sfBlocks = blocks.filter(ee.Filter.bounds(geometry))
# Visualize with a single color.
Map.addLayer(sfBlocks, {"color": "#de2d26"}, "Census Blocks (single color)")
# Visualize with values in a column using paint().
# Add a pop_density column.
def func_gvn(f):
# Get the polygon area in square miles.
area_sqmi = f.area().divide(2.59e6)
population = f.get("pop10")
# Calculate population density.
density = ee.Number(population).divide(area_sqmi)
return f.set({"area_sqmi": area_sqmi, "pop_density": density})
sfBlocks = sfBlocks.map(func_gvn)
# Calculate the statistics of the newly computed column.
stats = sfBlocks.aggregate_stats("pop_density")
# Create an empty image into which to paint the features.
# Cast to 32-bit integer which supports storing values
# up to 2,147,483,647.
empty = ee.Image().int32()
# use paint() to color image with the values from the
# 'pop_density' column.
sfBlocksPaint = empty.paint(
"featureCollection": sfBlocks,
"color": "pop_density",
palette = ["fee5d9", "fcae91", "fb6a4a", "de2d26", "a50f15"]
visParams = {"min": 0, "max": 50000, "palette": palette}
Map.addLayer(sfBlocksPaint.clip(geometry), visParams, "Population Density")
# Filter roads to San Francisco boundary.
sfRoads = roads.filter(ee.Filter.bounds(geometry))
Map.addLayer(sfRoads, {"color": "blue"}, "Roads (default)")
# Visualize with draw().
sfRoadsDraw = sfRoads.draw({"color": "blue", "strokeWidth": 1})
Map.addLayer(sfRoadsDraw, {}, "Roads (Draw)")
styles = ee.Dictionary(
"S1100": {"color": "blue", "width": 3},
"S1200": {"color": "green", "width": 2},
"S1400": {"color": "orange", "width": 1},
defaultStyle = {"color": "gray", "width": 1}
def func_wwf(f):
classcode = f.get("mtfcc")
style = styles.get(classcode, defaultStyle)
return f.set("style", style)
sfRoads = sfRoads.map(func_wwf)
sfRoadsStyle = sfRoads.style(**{"styleProperty": "style"})
Map.addLayer(sfRoadsStyle.clip(geometry), {}, "Roads (Style)")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: F5.3 Advanced Vector Operations
# Checkpoint: F53a
# Author: Ujaval Gandhi
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
blocks = ee.FeatureCollection("TIGER/2010/Blocks")
roads = ee.FeatureCollection("TIGER/2016/Roads")
sfNeighborhoods = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/gee-book/assets/F5-0/SFneighborhoods")
geometry = sfNeighborhoods.geometry()
# Creating a Choropleth Map
# Filter blocks to the San Francisco boundary.
sfBlocks = blocks.filter(ee.Filter.bounds(geometry))
# Visualize with a single color.
Map.addLayer(sfBlocks, {"color": "#de2d26"}, "Census Blocks (single color)")
# Visualize with values in a column using paint().
# Add a pop_density column.
def func_gvn(f):
# Get the polygon area in square miles.
area_sqmi = f.area().divide(2.59e6)
population = f.get("pop10")
# Calculate population density.
density = ee.Number(population).divide(area_sqmi)
return f.set({"area_sqmi": area_sqmi, "pop_density": density})
sfBlocks = sfBlocks.map(func_gvn)
# Calculate the statistics of the newly computed column.
stats = sfBlocks.aggregate_stats("pop_density")
# Create an empty image into which to paint the features.
# Cast to 32-bit integer which supports storing values
# up to 2,147,483,647.
empty = ee.Image().int32()
# use paint() to color image with the values from the
# 'pop_density' column.
sfBlocksPaint = empty.paint(
"featureCollection": sfBlocks,
"color": "pop_density",
palette = ["fee5d9", "fcae91", "fb6a4a", "de2d26", "a50f15"]
visParams = {"min": 0, "max": 50000, "palette": palette}
Map.addLayer(sfBlocksPaint.clip(geometry), visParams, "Population Density")
# Filter roads to San Francisco boundary.
sfRoads = roads.filter(ee.Filter.bounds(geometry))
Map.addLayer(sfRoads, {"color": "blue"}, "Roads (default)")
# Visualize with draw().
sfRoadsDraw = sfRoads.draw({"color": "blue", "strokeWidth": 1})
Map.addLayer(sfRoadsDraw, {}, "Roads (Draw)")
styles = ee.Dictionary(
"S1100": {"color": "blue", "width": 3},
"S1200": {"color": "green", "width": 2},
"S1400": {"color": "orange", "width": 1},
defaultStyle = {"color": "gray", "width": 1}
def func_wwf(f):
classcode = f.get("mtfcc")
style = styles.get(classcode, defaultStyle)
return f.set("style", style)
sfRoads = sfRoads.map(func_wwf)
sfRoadsStyle = sfRoads.style(**{"styleProperty": "style"})
Map.addLayer(sfRoadsStyle.clip(geometry), {}, "Roads (Style)")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Display the interactive map¶
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