A31a Checkpoint
Import libraries¶
In [ ]:
import ee
import geemap
import ee
import geemap
Create an interactive map¶
In [ ]:
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Add Earth Engine Python script¶
In [ ]:
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: A3.1 Active fire monitoring
# Checkpoint: A31a
# Authors: Morgan A. Crowley* and Tianjia Liu* (*shared first-authorship)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We will use the Bobcat Fire as an example in this practicum.
Bobcat Fire, Los Angeles County, CA
'Ignition': Sep 6, 2020
'Total burned area': 115796 acres
'Lon': -117.868 W, 'Lat': 34.241 N
# --------
# Inputs
# --------
# Define the location of the fire.
lon = -117.868
lat = 34.241
zoom = 9
# Filter datasets to a specific date range:
# start date of fire.
inYear = 2020
inMonth = 9
inDay = 6
durationAF = 15; # in days
durationBA = 1; # in months
# Date range for active fires.
startDateAF = ee.Date.fromYMD(inYear, inMonth, inDay)
endDateAF = startDateAF.advance(durationAF, 'day')
# Date range for burned area.
startDateBA = ee.Date.fromYMD(inYear, inMonth, 1)
endDateBA = startDateBA.advance(durationBA, 'month')
# -------------------------------
# 1. Reference Perimeter (WFIGS)
# -------------------------------
# Note: each fire has multiple versions, so here we are
# filtering WFIGS by the name of the fire, sorting the
# area of the filtered polygons in descending order,
# and retrieving the polygon with the highest area.
WFIGS = ee.FeatureCollection(
reference = ee.Feature(WFIGS.filter(ee.Filter.eq('irwin_In_1',
'BOBCAT')) \
.sort('poly_Acres', False).first())
# -------------------------------
# 2. MODIS active fire datasets
# -------------------------------
# MOD14A1, MYD14A1 = MODIS/Terra and Aqua active fires and thermal anomalies
# resolution: daily, gridded at 1km in sinusoidal projection (SR-ORG:6974)
# variables: fire mask (FireMask), fire radiative power in MW (MaxFRP)
# satellite overpasses: Terra (10:30am/pm local time), Aqua (1:30am/pm local time)
# Define the Earth Engine paths for MOD14A1 and MYD14A1, collection 6.
mod14a1 = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD14A1')
myd14a1 = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MYD14A1')
# Filter the datasets according to the date range.
mod14a1Img = mod14a1.filterDate(startDateAF, endDateAF)
myd14a1Img = myd14a1.filterDate(startDateAF, endDateAF)
def getFireMask(image):
# Fire Mask (FireMask): values ≥ 7 are active fire pixels
return image.select('FireMask').gte(7)
def getMaxFRP(image):
# FRP (MaxFRP): MaxFRP needs to be scaled by 0.1 to be in units of MW.
return image.select('MaxFRP').multiply(0.1)
# Define the active fire mask (count of active fire pixels).
mod14a1ImgMask = mod14a1Img.map(getFireMask).sum()
myd14a1ImgMask = myd14a1Img.map(getFireMask).sum()
# Define the total FRP (MW).
mod14a1ImgFrp = mod14a1Img.map(getMaxFRP).sum()
myd14a1ImgFrp = myd14a1Img.map(getMaxFRP).sum()
# ------------------------------
# 3. MODIS burned area dataset
# ------------------------------
# MCD64A1 = MODIS/Terra and Aqua combined burned area
# resolution: monthly, gridded at 500m in sinusoidal projection (SR-ORG:6974),
# can be disaggregated to daily resolution
# variables: burn date as day of year (BurnDate)
# Define the Earth Engine paths for MCD64A1, collection 6.
mcd64a1 = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD64A1')
def getBurnDate(image):
# burn day of year (BurnDate)
return image.select('BurnDate')
# Define the burned area mask.
mcd64a1Img = mcd64a1.filterDate(startDateBA, endDateBA)
mcd64a1ImgMask = mcd64a1Img.map(getBurnDate).min()
# ------------------------------
# 4. GOES 16/17 active fires
# ------------------------------
# GOES-16/17 - geostationary satellites over North/South America
# resolution: every 10-30 minutes, 2 km
# variables: fire mask (Mask), FRP (Power)
# Define the Earth Engine paths for GOES-16/17.
goes16 = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/FDCF')
goes17 = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/17/FDCF')
filterGOES = ee.Filter.calendarRange(0, 0, 'minute')
# Filter the datasets according to the date range.
goes16Img = goes16.filterDate(startDateAF, endDateAF) \
goes17Img = goes17.filterDate(startDateAF, endDateAF) \
def getFireMask(image):
# fire mask (Mask): values from 10-35 are active fire pixels,
# see the description for QA values to filter out low confidence fires
return image.select('Mask').gte(10).And(image.select('Mask') \
def getFRP(image):
# FRP (Power), in MW
return image.select('Power')
# Define the active fire mask (count of active fire pixels).
goes16ImgMask = goes16Img.map(getFireMask).sum()
goes17ImgMask = goes17Img.map(getFireMask).sum()
# Define the total FRP (MW).
goes16ImgFrp = goes16Img.map(getFRP).sum()
goes17ImgFrp = goes17Img.map(getFRP).sum()
# -------------------------------
# 5. Map Visualization - Layers
# -------------------------------
# Use the 'Layers' dropdown menu on the map panel to toggle on and off layers.
Map.addLayer(mod14a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'orange'
}, 'MOD14A1')
Map.addLayer(myd14a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'red'
}, 'MYD14A1')
Map.addLayer(mcd64a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'black'
}, 'MCD64A1')
Map.addLayer(goes16ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'skyblue'
}, 'GOES16', False)
Map.addLayer(goes17ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'purple'
}, 'GOES17', False)
Map.setCenter(lon, lat, zoom)
# ------------------------------------
# 6. Map Visualization - Panel Layout
# ------------------------------------
# Define the panel layout.
panelNames = [
'MODIS active fires', # panel 0 - top left
'MODIS burned area', # panel 1 - bottom left
'GOES active fires', # panel 2 - top right
'Reference' # panel 3 - bottom right
# Create a map for each visualization option.
maps = []
panelNames.forEach(function(name, index) {
map = ui.Map()
'fullscreenControl': False
if (index === 0) {
map.addLayer(mod14a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'orange'
}, 'MOD14A1')
map.addLayer(myd14a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'red'
}, 'MYD14A1')
map.add(ui.Label(panelNames[0], {
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'position': 'bottom-left'
if (index == 1) {
map.addLayer(mcd64a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'black'
}, 'MCD64A1')
map.add(ui.Label(panelNames[1], {
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'position': 'bottom-left'
if (index == 2) {
map.addLayer(goes16ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'skyblue'
}, 'GOES16')
map.addLayer(goes17ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'purple'
}, 'GOES17')
map.add(ui.Label(panelNames[2], {
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'position': 'bottom-left'
if (index == 3) {
map.addLayer(reference, {}, 'Reference')
map.add(ui.Label(panelNames[3], {
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'position': 'bottom-left'
linker = ui.Map.Linker(maps)
# Make a label for the main title of the app.
title = ui.Label(
'Visualizing Fire Datasets in Google Earth Engine', {
'stretch': 'horizontal',
'textAlign': 'center',
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'fontSize': '24px'
# Define a map grid of 2x2 sub panels.
mapGrid = ui.Panel(
ui.Panel([maps[0], maps[1]], None, {
'stretch': 'both'
ui.Panel([maps[2], maps[3]], None, {
'stretch': 'both'
ui.Panel.Layout.Flow('horizontal'), {
'stretch': 'both'
maps[0].setCenter(lon, lat, zoom)
# Add the maps and title to the ui.root().
ui.root.widgets().reset([title, mapGrid])
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: A3.1 Active fire monitoring
# Checkpoint: A31a
# Authors: Morgan A. Crowley* and Tianjia Liu* (*shared first-authorship)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We will use the Bobcat Fire as an example in this practicum.
Bobcat Fire, Los Angeles County, CA
'Ignition': Sep 6, 2020
'Total burned area': 115796 acres
'Lon': -117.868 W, 'Lat': 34.241 N
# --------
# Inputs
# --------
# Define the location of the fire.
lon = -117.868
lat = 34.241
zoom = 9
# Filter datasets to a specific date range:
# start date of fire.
inYear = 2020
inMonth = 9
inDay = 6
durationAF = 15; # in days
durationBA = 1; # in months
# Date range for active fires.
startDateAF = ee.Date.fromYMD(inYear, inMonth, inDay)
endDateAF = startDateAF.advance(durationAF, 'day')
# Date range for burned area.
startDateBA = ee.Date.fromYMD(inYear, inMonth, 1)
endDateBA = startDateBA.advance(durationBA, 'month')
# -------------------------------
# 1. Reference Perimeter (WFIGS)
# -------------------------------
# Note: each fire has multiple versions, so here we are
# filtering WFIGS by the name of the fire, sorting the
# area of the filtered polygons in descending order,
# and retrieving the polygon with the highest area.
WFIGS = ee.FeatureCollection(
reference = ee.Feature(WFIGS.filter(ee.Filter.eq('irwin_In_1',
'BOBCAT')) \
.sort('poly_Acres', False).first())
# -------------------------------
# 2. MODIS active fire datasets
# -------------------------------
# MOD14A1, MYD14A1 = MODIS/Terra and Aqua active fires and thermal anomalies
# resolution: daily, gridded at 1km in sinusoidal projection (SR-ORG:6974)
# variables: fire mask (FireMask), fire radiative power in MW (MaxFRP)
# satellite overpasses: Terra (10:30am/pm local time), Aqua (1:30am/pm local time)
# Define the Earth Engine paths for MOD14A1 and MYD14A1, collection 6.
mod14a1 = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD14A1')
myd14a1 = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MYD14A1')
# Filter the datasets according to the date range.
mod14a1Img = mod14a1.filterDate(startDateAF, endDateAF)
myd14a1Img = myd14a1.filterDate(startDateAF, endDateAF)
def getFireMask(image):
# Fire Mask (FireMask): values ≥ 7 are active fire pixels
return image.select('FireMask').gte(7)
def getMaxFRP(image):
# FRP (MaxFRP): MaxFRP needs to be scaled by 0.1 to be in units of MW.
return image.select('MaxFRP').multiply(0.1)
# Define the active fire mask (count of active fire pixels).
mod14a1ImgMask = mod14a1Img.map(getFireMask).sum()
myd14a1ImgMask = myd14a1Img.map(getFireMask).sum()
# Define the total FRP (MW).
mod14a1ImgFrp = mod14a1Img.map(getMaxFRP).sum()
myd14a1ImgFrp = myd14a1Img.map(getMaxFRP).sum()
# ------------------------------
# 3. MODIS burned area dataset
# ------------------------------
# MCD64A1 = MODIS/Terra and Aqua combined burned area
# resolution: monthly, gridded at 500m in sinusoidal projection (SR-ORG:6974),
# can be disaggregated to daily resolution
# variables: burn date as day of year (BurnDate)
# Define the Earth Engine paths for MCD64A1, collection 6.
mcd64a1 = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD64A1')
def getBurnDate(image):
# burn day of year (BurnDate)
return image.select('BurnDate')
# Define the burned area mask.
mcd64a1Img = mcd64a1.filterDate(startDateBA, endDateBA)
mcd64a1ImgMask = mcd64a1Img.map(getBurnDate).min()
# ------------------------------
# 4. GOES 16/17 active fires
# ------------------------------
# GOES-16/17 - geostationary satellites over North/South America
# resolution: every 10-30 minutes, 2 km
# variables: fire mask (Mask), FRP (Power)
# Define the Earth Engine paths for GOES-16/17.
goes16 = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/FDCF')
goes17 = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/17/FDCF')
filterGOES = ee.Filter.calendarRange(0, 0, 'minute')
# Filter the datasets according to the date range.
goes16Img = goes16.filterDate(startDateAF, endDateAF) \
goes17Img = goes17.filterDate(startDateAF, endDateAF) \
def getFireMask(image):
# fire mask (Mask): values from 10-35 are active fire pixels,
# see the description for QA values to filter out low confidence fires
return image.select('Mask').gte(10).And(image.select('Mask') \
def getFRP(image):
# FRP (Power), in MW
return image.select('Power')
# Define the active fire mask (count of active fire pixels).
goes16ImgMask = goes16Img.map(getFireMask).sum()
goes17ImgMask = goes17Img.map(getFireMask).sum()
# Define the total FRP (MW).
goes16ImgFrp = goes16Img.map(getFRP).sum()
goes17ImgFrp = goes17Img.map(getFRP).sum()
# -------------------------------
# 5. Map Visualization - Layers
# -------------------------------
# Use the 'Layers' dropdown menu on the map panel to toggle on and off layers.
Map.addLayer(mod14a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'orange'
}, 'MOD14A1')
Map.addLayer(myd14a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'red'
}, 'MYD14A1')
Map.addLayer(mcd64a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'black'
}, 'MCD64A1')
Map.addLayer(goes16ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'skyblue'
}, 'GOES16', False)
Map.addLayer(goes17ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'purple'
}, 'GOES17', False)
Map.setCenter(lon, lat, zoom)
# ------------------------------------
# 6. Map Visualization - Panel Layout
# ------------------------------------
# Define the panel layout.
panelNames = [
'MODIS active fires', # panel 0 - top left
'MODIS burned area', # panel 1 - bottom left
'GOES active fires', # panel 2 - top right
'Reference' # panel 3 - bottom right
# Create a map for each visualization option.
maps = []
panelNames.forEach(function(name, index) {
map = ui.Map()
'fullscreenControl': False
if (index === 0) {
map.addLayer(mod14a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'orange'
}, 'MOD14A1')
map.addLayer(myd14a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'red'
}, 'MYD14A1')
map.add(ui.Label(panelNames[0], {
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'position': 'bottom-left'
if (index == 1) {
map.addLayer(mcd64a1ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'black'
}, 'MCD64A1')
map.add(ui.Label(panelNames[1], {
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'position': 'bottom-left'
if (index == 2) {
map.addLayer(goes16ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'skyblue'
}, 'GOES16')
map.addLayer(goes17ImgMask.selfMask(), {
'palette': 'purple'
}, 'GOES17')
map.add(ui.Label(panelNames[2], {
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'position': 'bottom-left'
if (index == 3) {
map.addLayer(reference, {}, 'Reference')
map.add(ui.Label(panelNames[3], {
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'position': 'bottom-left'
linker = ui.Map.Linker(maps)
# Make a label for the main title of the app.
title = ui.Label(
'Visualizing Fire Datasets in Google Earth Engine', {
'stretch': 'horizontal',
'textAlign': 'center',
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'fontSize': '24px'
# Define a map grid of 2x2 sub panels.
mapGrid = ui.Panel(
ui.Panel([maps[0], maps[1]], None, {
'stretch': 'both'
ui.Panel([maps[2], maps[3]], None, {
'stretch': 'both'
ui.Panel.Layout.Flow('horizontal'), {
'stretch': 'both'
maps[0].setCenter(lon, lat, zoom)
# Add the maps and title to the ui.root().
ui.root.widgets().reset([title, mapGrid])
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Display the interactive map¶
In [ ]: