A26a Checkpoint
Import libraries¶
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import ee
import geemap
import ee
import geemap
Create an interactive map¶
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Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Add Earth Engine Python script¶
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# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: A2.6 Defining Seasonality: First Date of No Snow
# Checkpoint: A26a
# Authors: Amanda Armstrong, Morgan Tassone, Justin Braaten
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
startDoy = 1
startYear = 2000
endYear = 2019
def addDateBands(img):
# Get image date.
date = img.date()
# Get calendar day-of-year.
calDoy = date.getRelative('day', 'year')
# Get relative day-of-year; enumerate from user-defined startDoy.
relDoy = date.difference(startDate, 'day')
# Get the date as milliseconds from Unix epoch.
millis = date.millis()
# Add all of the above date info as bands to the snow fraction image.
dateBands = ee.Image.constant([calDoy, relDoy, millis,
]) \
.rename(['calDoy', 'relDoy', 'millis', 'year'])
# Cast bands to correct data type before returning the image.
return img.addBands(dateBands) \
'calDoy': 'int',
'relDoy': 'int',
'millis': 'long',
'year': 'int'
}) \
.set('millis', millis)
waterMask = ee.Image('MODIS/MOD44W/MOD44W_005_2000_02_24') \
.select('water_mask') \
completeCol = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD10A1') \
# Pixels must have been 10% snow covered for at least 2 weeks in 2018.
snowCoverEphem = completeCol.filterDate('2018-01-01',
def func_teo(img):
return img.gte(10) \
.map(func_teo) \
.sum() \
# Pixels must not be 10% snow covered more than 124 days in 2018.
snowCoverConst = completeCol.filterDate('2018-01-01',
def func_jlk(img):
return img.gte(10) \
.map(func_jlk) \
.sum() \
analysisMask = waterMask.multiply(snowCoverEphem).multiply(
years = ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear)
def func_kis(year):
# Set the global startYear variable as the year being worked on so that
# it will be accessible to the addDateBands mapped to the collection below.
startYear = year
# Get the first day-of-year for this year as an ee.Date object.
firstDoy = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, 1, 1)
# Advance from the firstDoy to the user-defined startDay; subtract 1 since
# firstDoy is already 1. Set the result as the global startDate variable so
# that it is accessible to the addDateBands mapped to the collection below.
startDate = firstDoy.advance(startDoy - 1, 'day')
# Get endDate for this year by advancing 1 year from startDate.
# Need to advance an extra day because end date of filterDate() function
# is exclusive.
endDate = startDate.advance(1, 'year').advance(1,
# Filter the complete collection by the start and end dates just defined.
yearCol = completeCol.filterDate(startDate, endDate)
# Construct an image where pixels represent the first day within the date
# range that the lowest snow fraction is observed.
noSnowImg = yearCol \
# Sort the images by ascending time to identify the first day without
# snow. Alternatively, you can use .sort('millis', False) to \
# Make a mosaic composed of pixels from images that represent the
# observation with the minimum percent snow cover (defined by the
# NDSI_Snow_Cover band); include all associated bands for the selected \
.reduce(ee.Reducer.min(5)) \
.rename(['snowCover', 'calDoy', 'relDoy', 'millis',
]) \
.updateMask(analysisMask) \
.set('year', year)
# Mask by minimum snow fraction - only include pixels that reach 0
# percent cover. Return the resulting image.
return noSnowImg.updateMask(noSnowImg.select('snowCover') \
annualList = years.map(func_kis)
annualCol = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(annualList)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: A2.6 Defining Seasonality: First Date of No Snow
# Checkpoint: A26a
# Authors: Amanda Armstrong, Morgan Tassone, Justin Braaten
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
startDoy = 1
startYear = 2000
endYear = 2019
def addDateBands(img):
# Get image date.
date = img.date()
# Get calendar day-of-year.
calDoy = date.getRelative('day', 'year')
# Get relative day-of-year; enumerate from user-defined startDoy.
relDoy = date.difference(startDate, 'day')
# Get the date as milliseconds from Unix epoch.
millis = date.millis()
# Add all of the above date info as bands to the snow fraction image.
dateBands = ee.Image.constant([calDoy, relDoy, millis,
]) \
.rename(['calDoy', 'relDoy', 'millis', 'year'])
# Cast bands to correct data type before returning the image.
return img.addBands(dateBands) \
'calDoy': 'int',
'relDoy': 'int',
'millis': 'long',
'year': 'int'
}) \
.set('millis', millis)
waterMask = ee.Image('MODIS/MOD44W/MOD44W_005_2000_02_24') \
.select('water_mask') \
completeCol = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD10A1') \
# Pixels must have been 10% snow covered for at least 2 weeks in 2018.
snowCoverEphem = completeCol.filterDate('2018-01-01',
def func_teo(img):
return img.gte(10) \
.map(func_teo) \
.sum() \
# Pixels must not be 10% snow covered more than 124 days in 2018.
snowCoverConst = completeCol.filterDate('2018-01-01',
def func_jlk(img):
return img.gte(10) \
.map(func_jlk) \
.sum() \
analysisMask = waterMask.multiply(snowCoverEphem).multiply(
years = ee.List.sequence(startYear, endYear)
def func_kis(year):
# Set the global startYear variable as the year being worked on so that
# it will be accessible to the addDateBands mapped to the collection below.
startYear = year
# Get the first day-of-year for this year as an ee.Date object.
firstDoy = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, 1, 1)
# Advance from the firstDoy to the user-defined startDay; subtract 1 since
# firstDoy is already 1. Set the result as the global startDate variable so
# that it is accessible to the addDateBands mapped to the collection below.
startDate = firstDoy.advance(startDoy - 1, 'day')
# Get endDate for this year by advancing 1 year from startDate.
# Need to advance an extra day because end date of filterDate() function
# is exclusive.
endDate = startDate.advance(1, 'year').advance(1,
# Filter the complete collection by the start and end dates just defined.
yearCol = completeCol.filterDate(startDate, endDate)
# Construct an image where pixels represent the first day within the date
# range that the lowest snow fraction is observed.
noSnowImg = yearCol \
# Sort the images by ascending time to identify the first day without
# snow. Alternatively, you can use .sort('millis', False) to \
# Make a mosaic composed of pixels from images that represent the
# observation with the minimum percent snow cover (defined by the
# NDSI_Snow_Cover band); include all associated bands for the selected \
.reduce(ee.Reducer.min(5)) \
.rename(['snowCover', 'calDoy', 'relDoy', 'millis',
]) \
.updateMask(analysisMask) \
.set('year', year)
# Mask by minimum snow fraction - only include pixels that reach 0
# percent cover. Return the resulting image.
return noSnowImg.updateMask(noSnowImg.select('snowCover') \
annualList = years.map(func_kis)
annualCol = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(annualList)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Display the interactive map¶
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