A18d Checkpoint
Import libraries¶
In [ ]:
import ee
import geemap
import ee
import geemap
Create an interactive map¶
In [ ]:
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Add Earth Engine Python script¶
In [ ]:
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: A1.8 Monitoring Gold Mining Activity using SAR
# Checkpoint: A18d
# Authors: Lucio Villa, Sidney Novoa, Milagros Becerra,
# Andréa Puzzi Nicolau, Karen Dyson, Karis Tenneson, John Dilger
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#/ Section Two
# Define the area of study.
aoi = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/gee-book/assets/A1-8/mdd')
# Center the map at the aoi.
Map.centerObject(aoi, 9)
# Create an empty image.
empty = ee.Image().byte()
# Convert the area of study to an EE image object
# so we can visualize only the boundary.
aoiOutline = empty.paint({
'featureCollection': aoi,
'color': 1,
'width': 2
# Select the satellite basemap view.
# Add the area of study boundary to the map.
Map.addLayer(aoiOutline, {
'palette': 'red'
}, 'Area of Study')
# Function to mask the SAR images acquired with an incidence angle
# lower equal than 31 and greater equal than 45 degrees.
def maskAngle(image):
angleMask = image.select('angle')
return image.updateMask(angleMask.gte(31).And(angleMask.lte(45)))
# Function to get the SAR Collection.
def getCollection(dates, roi, orbitPass0):
sarCollFloat = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD_FLOAT') \
.filterBounds(roi) \
.filterDate(dates[0], dates[1]) \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', orbitPass0))
return sarCollFloat.map(maskAngle).select(['VV', 'VH'])
# Define variables: the period of time and the orbitpass.
listOfDates = ['2021-01-01', '2022-01-01']
orbitPass = 'DESCENDING'
# Apply the function to get the SAR Collection.
sarImageColl = getCollection(listOfDates, aoi, orbitPass)
print('SAR Image Collection', sarImageColl)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function to get dates in 'YYYY-MM-dd' format.
def getDates(dd):
return ee.Date(dd).format('YYYY-MM-dd')
# Function to get a SAR Mosaic clipped to the study area.
def mosaicSAR(dates1):
dates1 = ee.Date(dates1)
imageFilt = sarImageColl \
.filterDate(dates1, dates1.advance(1, 'day'))
return imageFilt.mosaic() \
.clip(aoi) \
'system:time_start': dates1.millis(),
'dateYMD': dates1.format('YYYY-MM-dd')
# Function to get a SAR Collection of mosaics by date.
datesMosaic = ee.List(sarImageColl \
.aggregate_array('system:time_start')) \
.map(getDates) \
# Get a SAR List and Image Collection of mosaics by date.
getMosaicList = datesMosaic.map(mosaicSAR)
getMosaicColl = ee.ImageCollection(getMosaicList)
print('get Mosaic Collection', getMosaicColl)
# Visualize results.
sarVis = {
'bands': ['VV', 'VH', 'VV'],
'min': [-18, -23, 3],
'max': [-4, -11, 15]
image1 = getMosaicColl \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('dateYMD', '2021-01-04')) \
image2 = getMosaicColl \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('dateYMD', '2021-12-18')) \
Map.addLayer(image1, sarVis, 'Sentinel-1 | 2021-01-04')
Map.addLayer(image2, sarVis, 'Sentinel-1 | 2021-12-18')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#/ Section Three
# Libraries of SAR Change Detection (version modified).
# The original version can be found in:
# users/mortcanty/changedetection
omb = require(
'projects/gee-edu/book:Part A - Applications/A1 - Human Applications/A1.8 Monitoring Gold Mining Activity Using SAR/modules/omnibusTest_v1.1'
util = require(
'projects/gee-edu/book:Part A - Applications/A1 - Human Applications/A1.8 Monitoring Gold Mining Activity Using SAR/modules/utilities_v1.1'
# Count the length of the list of dates of the time-series.
countDates = datesMosaic.size().getInfo()
# Run the algorithm and print the results.
significance = 0.0001
median = True
result = ee.Dictionary(omb.omnibus(getMosaicList, significance,
print('result', result)
# Change maps generated (cmap, smap, fmap and bmap)
# are detailed in the next commented lines.
# cmap: the interval in which the most recent significant change occurred (single-band).
# smap: the interval in which the first significant change occurred (single-band).
# fmap: the frequency of significant changes (single-band).
# bmap: the interval in which each significant change occurred ((k − 1)-band).
# Extract and print the images result
# (cmap, smap, fmap and bmap) from the ee.Dictionary.
cmap = ee.Image(result.get('cmap')).byte()
smap = ee.Image(result.get('smap')).byte()
fmap = ee.Image(result.get('fmap')).byte()
bmap = ee.Image(result.get('bmap')).byte()
# Build a Feature Collection from Dates.
fCollectionDates = ee.FeatureCollection(datesMosaic
def func_qpl(element):
return ee.Feature(None, {
'prop': element
}) \
print('Dates', datesMosaic)
# Visualization parameters.
jet = ['black', 'blue', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'red']
vis = {
'min': 0,
'max': countDates,
'palette': jet
# Add resulting images and legend to the map.
Map.addLayer(cmap, vis, 'cmap - recent change (unfiltered)')
Map.addLayer(smap, vis, 'smap - first change (unfiltered)')
Map.addLayer(fmap.multiply(2), vis, 'fmap*2 - frequency of changes')
# Export the Feature Collection with the dates of change.
exportDates = Export.table.toDrive({
'collection': fCollectionDates,
'folder': 'datesChangesDN',
'description': 'dates',
'fileFormat': 'CSV'
# Export the image of the first significant changes.
exportImgChanges = Export.image.toAsset({
'image': smap,
'description': 'smap',
'assetId': 'your_asset_path_here/' + 'smap',
'region': aoi,
'scale': 10,
'maxPixels': 1e13
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: A1.8 Monitoring Gold Mining Activity using SAR
# Checkpoint: A18d
# Authors: Lucio Villa, Sidney Novoa, Milagros Becerra,
# Andréa Puzzi Nicolau, Karen Dyson, Karis Tenneson, John Dilger
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#/ Section Two
# Define the area of study.
aoi = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/gee-book/assets/A1-8/mdd')
# Center the map at the aoi.
Map.centerObject(aoi, 9)
# Create an empty image.
empty = ee.Image().byte()
# Convert the area of study to an EE image object
# so we can visualize only the boundary.
aoiOutline = empty.paint({
'featureCollection': aoi,
'color': 1,
'width': 2
# Select the satellite basemap view.
# Add the area of study boundary to the map.
Map.addLayer(aoiOutline, {
'palette': 'red'
}, 'Area of Study')
# Function to mask the SAR images acquired with an incidence angle
# lower equal than 31 and greater equal than 45 degrees.
def maskAngle(image):
angleMask = image.select('angle')
return image.updateMask(angleMask.gte(31).And(angleMask.lte(45)))
# Function to get the SAR Collection.
def getCollection(dates, roi, orbitPass0):
sarCollFloat = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD_FLOAT') \
.filterBounds(roi) \
.filterDate(dates[0], dates[1]) \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', orbitPass0))
return sarCollFloat.map(maskAngle).select(['VV', 'VH'])
# Define variables: the period of time and the orbitpass.
listOfDates = ['2021-01-01', '2022-01-01']
orbitPass = 'DESCENDING'
# Apply the function to get the SAR Collection.
sarImageColl = getCollection(listOfDates, aoi, orbitPass)
print('SAR Image Collection', sarImageColl)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function to get dates in 'YYYY-MM-dd' format.
def getDates(dd):
return ee.Date(dd).format('YYYY-MM-dd')
# Function to get a SAR Mosaic clipped to the study area.
def mosaicSAR(dates1):
dates1 = ee.Date(dates1)
imageFilt = sarImageColl \
.filterDate(dates1, dates1.advance(1, 'day'))
return imageFilt.mosaic() \
.clip(aoi) \
'system:time_start': dates1.millis(),
'dateYMD': dates1.format('YYYY-MM-dd')
# Function to get a SAR Collection of mosaics by date.
datesMosaic = ee.List(sarImageColl \
.aggregate_array('system:time_start')) \
.map(getDates) \
# Get a SAR List and Image Collection of mosaics by date.
getMosaicList = datesMosaic.map(mosaicSAR)
getMosaicColl = ee.ImageCollection(getMosaicList)
print('get Mosaic Collection', getMosaicColl)
# Visualize results.
sarVis = {
'bands': ['VV', 'VH', 'VV'],
'min': [-18, -23, 3],
'max': [-4, -11, 15]
image1 = getMosaicColl \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('dateYMD', '2021-01-04')) \
image2 = getMosaicColl \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('dateYMD', '2021-12-18')) \
Map.addLayer(image1, sarVis, 'Sentinel-1 | 2021-01-04')
Map.addLayer(image2, sarVis, 'Sentinel-1 | 2021-12-18')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#/ Section Three
# Libraries of SAR Change Detection (version modified).
# The original version can be found in:
# users/mortcanty/changedetection
omb = require(
'projects/gee-edu/book:Part A - Applications/A1 - Human Applications/A1.8 Monitoring Gold Mining Activity Using SAR/modules/omnibusTest_v1.1'
util = require(
'projects/gee-edu/book:Part A - Applications/A1 - Human Applications/A1.8 Monitoring Gold Mining Activity Using SAR/modules/utilities_v1.1'
# Count the length of the list of dates of the time-series.
countDates = datesMosaic.size().getInfo()
# Run the algorithm and print the results.
significance = 0.0001
median = True
result = ee.Dictionary(omb.omnibus(getMosaicList, significance,
print('result', result)
# Change maps generated (cmap, smap, fmap and bmap)
# are detailed in the next commented lines.
# cmap: the interval in which the most recent significant change occurred (single-band).
# smap: the interval in which the first significant change occurred (single-band).
# fmap: the frequency of significant changes (single-band).
# bmap: the interval in which each significant change occurred ((k − 1)-band).
# Extract and print the images result
# (cmap, smap, fmap and bmap) from the ee.Dictionary.
cmap = ee.Image(result.get('cmap')).byte()
smap = ee.Image(result.get('smap')).byte()
fmap = ee.Image(result.get('fmap')).byte()
bmap = ee.Image(result.get('bmap')).byte()
# Build a Feature Collection from Dates.
fCollectionDates = ee.FeatureCollection(datesMosaic
def func_qpl(element):
return ee.Feature(None, {
'prop': element
}) \
print('Dates', datesMosaic)
# Visualization parameters.
jet = ['black', 'blue', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'red']
vis = {
'min': 0,
'max': countDates,
'palette': jet
# Add resulting images and legend to the map.
Map.addLayer(cmap, vis, 'cmap - recent change (unfiltered)')
Map.addLayer(smap, vis, 'smap - first change (unfiltered)')
Map.addLayer(fmap.multiply(2), vis, 'fmap*2 - frequency of changes')
# Export the Feature Collection with the dates of change.
exportDates = Export.table.toDrive({
'collection': fCollectionDates,
'folder': 'datesChangesDN',
'description': 'dates',
'fileFormat': 'CSV'
# Export the image of the first significant changes.
exportImgChanges = Export.image.toAsset({
'image': smap,
'description': 'smap',
'assetId': 'your_asset_path_here/' + 'smap',
'region': aoi,
'scale': 10,
'maxPixels': 1e13
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Display the interactive map¶
In [ ]: