Import libraries¶
In [ ]:
import ee
import geemap
import ee
import geemap
Create an interactive map¶
In [ ]:
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Add Earth Engine Python script¶
In [ ]:
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
'Author': Sofia Ermida (; @ermida_sofia)
This code is free and open.
By using this code and any data derived with it,
you agree to cite the following reference
'in any publications derived from them':
Ermida, S.L., Soares, P., Mantas, V., Göttsche, F.-M., Trigo, I.F., 2020.
Google Earth Engine open-source code for Land Surface Temperature estimation from the Landsat series.
'Remote Sensing, 12 (9), 1471; https':#doi.Org/10.3390/rs12091471
this function matches the atmospheric water vapour data
from NCEP reanalysis to each Landsat image
tpw values are interpolated from the 6-hourly model times to the image time
'to call this function use':
NCEP_TPW = require('users/sofiaermida/landsat_smw_lst:modules/NCEP_TPW.js')
ImagewithTPW = NCEP_TPW.addBand(image)
collectionwithPTW =
'- image': <ee.Image>
image for which to interpolate the TPW data
needs the 'system:time_start' image property
- <ee.Image>
'the input image with 3 new bands':
'TPW': total precipitable water values
'TPWpos': index for the LUT of SMW algorithm coefficients
'10.12.2020': typo correction in the tpw inperpolation expression
(thanks to Jiacheng Zhao for reporting this issue)
def exports.addBand(image):
# first select the day of interest
date = ee.Date(image.get('system:time_start'))
year = ee.Number.parse(date.format('yyyy'))
month = ee.Number.parse(date.format('MM'))
day = ee.Number.parse(date.format('dd'))
date1 = ee.Date.fromYMD(year,month,day)
date2 = date1.advance(1,'days')
# function compute the time difference from landsat image
def datedist(image):
return image.set('DateDist',
ee.Number(image.get('system:time_start')) \
# load atmospheric data collection
TPWcollection = ee.ImageCollection('NCEP_RE/surface_wv') \
.filter('yyyy-MM-dd'), date2.format('yyyy-MM-dd'))) \
# select the two closest model times
closest = (TPWcollection.sort('DateDist')).toList(2)
# check if there is atmospheric data in the wanted day
# if not creates a TPW image with non-realistic values
# these are then masked in the SMWalgorithm function (prevents errors)
tpw1 = ee.Image(ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().eq(0), ee.Image.constant(-999.0),
ee.Image(closest.get(0)).select('pr_wtr') ))
tpw2 = ee.Image(ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().eq(0), ee.Image.constant(-999.0),
ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().eq(1), tpw1,
ee.Image(closest.get(1)).select('pr_wtr') )))
time1 = ee.Number(ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().eq(0), 1.0,
ee.Number(tpw1.get('DateDist')).divide(ee.Number(21600000)) ))
time2 = ee.Number(ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().lt(2), 0.0,
ee.Number(tpw2.get('DateDist')).divide(ee.Number(21600000)) ))
tpw = tpw1.expression('tpw1*time2+tpw2*time1',
# SMW coefficients are binned by TPW values
# find the bin of each TPW value
pos = tpw.expression(
"value = (TPW>0 && TPW<=6) ? 0" + \
": (TPW>6 && TPW<=12) ? 1" + \
": (TPW>12 && TPW<=18) ? 2" + \
": (TPW>18 && TPW<=24) ? 3" + \
": (TPW>24 && TPW<=30) ? 4" + \
": (TPW>30 && TPW<=36) ? 5" + \
": (TPW>36 && TPW<=42) ? 6" + \
": (TPW>42 && TPW<=48) ? 7" + \
": (TPW>48 && TPW<=54) ? 8" + \
": (TPW>54) ? 9" + \
": 0",{'TPW': tpw}) \
# add tpw to image as a band
withTPW = (image.addBands(tpw.rename('TPW'),['TPW'])).addBands(pos.rename('TPWpos'),['TPWpos'])
return withTPW
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
'Author': Sofia Ermida (; @ermida_sofia)
This code is free and open.
By using this code and any data derived with it,
you agree to cite the following reference
'in any publications derived from them':
Ermida, S.L., Soares, P., Mantas, V., Göttsche, F.-M., Trigo, I.F., 2020.
Google Earth Engine open-source code for Land Surface Temperature estimation from the Landsat series.
'Remote Sensing, 12 (9), 1471; https':#doi.Org/10.3390/rs12091471
this function matches the atmospheric water vapour data
from NCEP reanalysis to each Landsat image
tpw values are interpolated from the 6-hourly model times to the image time
'to call this function use':
NCEP_TPW = require('users/sofiaermida/landsat_smw_lst:modules/NCEP_TPW.js')
ImagewithTPW = NCEP_TPW.addBand(image)
collectionwithPTW =
'- image':
image for which to interpolate the TPW data
needs the 'system:time_start' image property
'the input image with 3 new bands':
'TPW': total precipitable water values
'TPWpos': index for the LUT of SMW algorithm coefficients
'10.12.2020': typo correction in the tpw inperpolation expression
(thanks to Jiacheng Zhao for reporting this issue)
def exports.addBand(image):
# first select the day of interest
date = ee.Date(image.get('system:time_start'))
year = ee.Number.parse(date.format('yyyy'))
month = ee.Number.parse(date.format('MM'))
day = ee.Number.parse(date.format('dd'))
date1 = ee.Date.fromYMD(year,month,day)
date2 = date1.advance(1,'days')
# function compute the time difference from landsat image
def datedist(image):
return image.set('DateDist',
ee.Number(image.get('system:time_start')) \
# load atmospheric data collection
TPWcollection = ee.ImageCollection('NCEP_RE/surface_wv') \
.filter('yyyy-MM-dd'), date2.format('yyyy-MM-dd'))) \
# select the two closest model times
closest = (TPWcollection.sort('DateDist')).toList(2)
# check if there is atmospheric data in the wanted day
# if not creates a TPW image with non-realistic values
# these are then masked in the SMWalgorithm function (prevents errors)
tpw1 = ee.Image(ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().eq(0), ee.Image.constant(-999.0),
ee.Image(closest.get(0)).select('pr_wtr') ))
tpw2 = ee.Image(ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().eq(0), ee.Image.constant(-999.0),
ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().eq(1), tpw1,
ee.Image(closest.get(1)).select('pr_wtr') )))
time1 = ee.Number(ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().eq(0), 1.0,
ee.Number(tpw1.get('DateDist')).divide(ee.Number(21600000)) ))
time2 = ee.Number(ee.Algorithms.If(closest.size().lt(2), 0.0,
ee.Number(tpw2.get('DateDist')).divide(ee.Number(21600000)) ))
tpw = tpw1.expression('tpw1*time2+tpw2*time1',
# SMW coefficients are binned by TPW values
# find the bin of each TPW value
pos = tpw.expression(
"value = (TPW>0 && TPW<=6) ? 0" + \
": (TPW>6 && TPW<=12) ? 1" + \
": (TPW>12 && TPW<=18) ? 2" + \
": (TPW>18 && TPW<=24) ? 3" + \
": (TPW>24 && TPW<=30) ? 4" + \
": (TPW>30 && TPW<=36) ? 5" + \
": (TPW>36 && TPW<=42) ? 6" + \
": (TPW>42 && TPW<=48) ? 7" + \
": (TPW>48 && TPW<=54) ? 8" + \
": (TPW>54) ? 9" + \
": 0",{'TPW': tpw}) \
# add tpw to image as a band
withTPW = (image.addBands(tpw.rename('TPW'),['TPW'])).addBands(pos.rename('TPWpos'),['TPWpos'])
return withTPW
Display the interactive map¶
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