A14c Checkpoint
Import libraries¶
In [ ]:
import ee
import geemap
import ee
import geemap
Create an interactive map¶
In [ ]:
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
Add Earth Engine Python script¶
In [ ]:
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
#*** Start of imports. If edited, may not auto-convert in the playground. ***#
geometry =
# shown: False #
ee.Geometry.Point([114.26732477622326, 30.57603159263821])
#**** End of imports. If edited, may not auto-convert in the playground. ****#
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: A1.4 Air Pollution and Population Exposures
# Checkpoint: A14c
# Authors: Zander Venter and Sourangsu Chowdhury
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Section 1: data import and cleaning
# Import a global dataset of administrative units level 1.
adminUnits = ee.FeatureCollection(
# Filter for the administrative unit that intersects
# the geometry located at the top of this script.
adminSelect = adminUnits.filterBounds(geometry)
# Center the map on this area.
Map.centerObject(adminSelect, 8)
# Make the base map HYBRID.
# Add it to the map to make sure you have what you want.
Map.addLayer(adminSelect, {}, 'selected admin unit')
# Import the population count data from Gridded Population of the World Version 4.
population = ee.ImageCollection(
'CIESIN/GPWv411/GPW_Population_Count') \
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2020, 2020, 'year')) \
# Clip it to your area of interest (only necessary for visualization purposes).
populationClipped = population.clipToCollection(adminSelect)
# Add it to the map to see the population distribution.
popVis = {
'min': 0,
'max': 4000,
'palette': ['black', 'yellow', 'white'],
'opacity': 0.55
Map.addLayer(populationClipped, popVis, 'population count')
# Import the Sentinel-5P NO2 offline product.
no2Raw = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/OFFL/L3_NO2')
# Define function to exclude cloudy pixels.
def maskClouds(image):
# Get the cloud fraction band of the image.
cf = image.select('cloud_fraction')
# Create a mask using 0.3 threshold.
mask = cf.lte(0.3); # You can play around with this value.
# Return a masked image.
return image.updateMask(mask).copyProperties(image)
# Clean and filter the Sentinel-5P NO2 offline product.
no2 = no2Raw \
.filterBounds(adminSelect) \
.map(maskClouds) \
# Create a median composite for March 2021
no2Median = no2.filterDate('2021-03-01', '2021-04-01').median()
# Clip it to your area of interest (only necessary for visualization purposes).
no2MedianClipped = no2Median.clipToCollection(adminSelect)
# Visualize the median NO2.
no2Viz = {
'min': 0,
'max': 0.00015,
'palette': ['black', 'blue', 'purple', 'cyan', 'green',
'yellow', 'red'
Map.addLayer(no2MedianClipped, no2Viz, 'median no2 Mar 2021')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Section 2: quantifying and vizualizing change
# Define a lockdown NO2 median composite.
no2Lockdown = no2.filterDate('2020-03-01', '2020-04-01') \
# Define a baseline NO2 median using the same month in the previous year.
no2Baseline = no2.filterDate('2019-03-01', '2019-04-01') \
# Create a ui map widget to hold the baseline NO2 image.
leftMap = ui.Map().centerObject(adminSelect, 8).setOptions(
# Create ta ui map widget to hold the lockdown NO2 image.
rightMap = ui.Map().setOptions('HYBRID')
# Create a split panel widget to hold the two maps.
sliderPanel = ui.SplitPanel({
'firstPanel': leftMap,
'secondPanel': rightMap,
'orientation': 'horizontal',
'wipe': True,
'style': {
'stretch': 'both'
linker = ui.Map.Linker([leftMap, rightMap])
# Make a function to add a label with fancy styling.
def makeMapLab(lab, position):
label = ui.Label({
'value': lab,
'style': {
'fontSize': '16px',
'color': '#ffffff',
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'backgroundColor': '#ffffff00',
'padding': '0px'
panel = ui.Panel({
'widgets': [label],
'layout': ui.Panel.Layout.flow('horizontal'),
'style': {
'position': position,
'backgroundColor': '#00000057',
'padding': '0px'
return panel
# Create baseline map layer, add it to the left map, and add the label.
no2BaselineLayer = ui.Map.Layer(no2Baseline, no2Viz)
leftMap.add(makeMapLab('Baseline 2019', 'top-left'))
# Create lockdown map layer, add it to the right map, and add the label.
no2LockdownLayer = ui.Map.Layer(no2Lockdown, no2Viz)
rightMap.add(makeMapLab('Lockdown 2020', 'top-right'))
# Reset the map interface (ui.root) with the split panel widget.
# Note that the Map.addLayer() calls earlier on in Section 1
# will no longer be shown because we have replaced the Map widget
# with the sliderPanel widget.
# Create a function to get the mean NO2 for the study region
# per image in the NO2 collection.
def getConc(collectionLabel, img):
return function(img) {
# Calculate the mean NO2.
no2Mean = img.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.mean(),
'geometry': adminSelect.geometry(),
'scale': 7000
# Get the day-of-year of the image.
doy = img.date().getRelative('day', 'year')
# Return a feature with NO2 concentration and day-of-year properties.
return ee.Feature(None, {
'conc': no2Mean,
'DOY': doy,
'type': collectionLabel
# Get the concentrations for a baseline and lockdown collection
# and merge for plotting.
no2AggChange_forPlotting = no2 \
.filterDate('2020-03-01', '2020-04-01') \
.map(getConc('lockdown')) \
.merge(no2.filterDate('2019-03-01', '2019-04-01') \
no2AggChange_forPlotting = no2AggChange_forPlotting \
# Make a chart.
chart1 = ui.Chart.feature.groups(
no2AggChange_forPlotting, 'DOY', 'conc', 'type') \
.setChartType('LineChart') \
'title': 'DOY time series for mean [NO2] during ' + \
'March 2019 (baseline) and 2020 (lockdown)'
# Print it to the console.
print('Baseline vs lockdown NO2 for the study region by DOY', chart1)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Section 3: calculating population-weighted concentrations
# Define the spatial resolution of the population data.
scalePop = 927.67; # See details in GEE Catalogue.
# Now we define a function that will map over the NO2 collection
# and calculate population-weighted concentrations.
# We will use the formula Exp = SUM {(Pi/P)*Ci}.
# We can calculate P outside of the function
# so that it is not computed multiple times for each NO2 image.
P = population.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.sum(),
'geometry': adminSelect.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop
# And here is the function.
def getPopWeightedConc(P, region, regionName, img):
return function(img) {
Ci = img
Pi = population
# Calculate the percentage of valid pixels in the region.
# (masked pixels will not be counted).
pixelCoverPerc = Ci.gte(0).unmask(0).multiply(100) \
'reducer': ee.Reducer.mean(),
'geometry': region.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop # Add in the scale of the population raster.
# Calculate the per-pixel EXP (see formula above).
exp = Pi.divide(ee.Image(ee.Number(P))).multiply(Ci)
# Sum the exp over the region.
expSum = exp.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.sum(),
'geometry': region.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop
# Calculate the mean NO2 - the approach that would usually
# be taken without population weighting.
no2Mean = Ci.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.mean(),
'geometry': region.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop
# Return a feature with properties
featOut = ee.Feature(None, {
'system:time_start': img.get(
'dateString': img.date().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
'regionName': regionName,
'no2ConcPopWeighted': expSum,
'no2ConcRaw': no2Mean,
'pixelCoverPerc': pixelCoverPerc
return featOut
# Filter the NO2 collection for March 2020 and map the function over it.
no2Agg_popWeighted = no2.filterDate('2020-03-01', '2020-04-01') \
.map(getPopWeightedConc(P, adminSelect, 'Wuhan'))
no2Agg_popWeighted = ee.FeatureCollection(no2Agg_popWeighted)
# Define the percentage of valid pixels you want in your region per time point.
# Here we choose 25; i.e. only images with at least 25% valid NO2 pixels.
validPixelPerc = 25; # you can play around with this value
# Filter the feature collection based on your pixel criteria.
no2Agg_popWeighted = no2Agg_popWeighted \
print('Population weighted no2 feature collection:',
# Create a feature collection for plotting the mean [NO2]
# and the mean pop-weighted [NO2] on the same graph.
def func_grd(ft):
return ft.set('conc', ft.get('no2ConcPopWeighted'),
'type', 'no2ConcPopWeighted')
no2Agg_forPlotting = no2Agg_popWeighted.map(func_grd
).merge(no2Agg_popWeighted.map(function(ft) {
def func_rng(ft):
return ft.set('conc', ft.get('no2ConcRaw'), 'type',
# Make a chart
chart2 = ui.Chart.feature.groups(
no2Agg_forPlotting, 'system:time_start', 'conc', 'type') \
.setChartType('LineChart') \
'title': 'Time series for mean [NO2] and the pop-weighted [NO2]'
# Print it to the console
print('Raw vs population-weighted NO2 for the study region', chart2)
# Export population-weighted data for multiple regions.
# First select the regions. This can also be done with
# .filterBounds() as in Line 9 above.
regions = adminUnits \
.filter(ee.Filter.inList('ADM1_NAME', ['Chongqing Shi',
'Hubei Sheng'
# Map a function over the regions that calculates population-weighted [NO2].
def func_pvo(region):
P = population.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.sum(),
'geometry': region.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop
innerTable = no2.filterDate('2020-03-01',
'2020-04-01') \
.map(getPopWeightedConc(P, region, region.get(
return innerTable
No2AggMulti_popWeighted = regions.map(func_pvo
# Remember to filter out readings that have pixel percentage cover
# below your threshold
No2AggMulti_popWeighted = No2AggMulti_popWeighted \
# Run the export under the 'Tasks' tab on the right
# and find your CSV file in Google Drive later on.
'collection': No2AggMulti_popWeighted,
'description': 'no2_popWeighted',
'fileFormat': 'CSV'
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add Earth Engine dataset
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
#*** Start of imports. If edited, may not auto-convert in the playground. ***#
geometry =
# shown: False #
ee.Geometry.Point([114.26732477622326, 30.57603159263821])
#**** End of imports. If edited, may not auto-convert in the playground. ****#
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Chapter: A1.4 Air Pollution and Population Exposures
# Checkpoint: A14c
# Authors: Zander Venter and Sourangsu Chowdhury
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Section 1: data import and cleaning
# Import a global dataset of administrative units level 1.
adminUnits = ee.FeatureCollection(
# Filter for the administrative unit that intersects
# the geometry located at the top of this script.
adminSelect = adminUnits.filterBounds(geometry)
# Center the map on this area.
Map.centerObject(adminSelect, 8)
# Make the base map HYBRID.
# Add it to the map to make sure you have what you want.
Map.addLayer(adminSelect, {}, 'selected admin unit')
# Import the population count data from Gridded Population of the World Version 4.
population = ee.ImageCollection(
'CIESIN/GPWv411/GPW_Population_Count') \
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2020, 2020, 'year')) \
# Clip it to your area of interest (only necessary for visualization purposes).
populationClipped = population.clipToCollection(adminSelect)
# Add it to the map to see the population distribution.
popVis = {
'min': 0,
'max': 4000,
'palette': ['black', 'yellow', 'white'],
'opacity': 0.55
Map.addLayer(populationClipped, popVis, 'population count')
# Import the Sentinel-5P NO2 offline product.
no2Raw = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/OFFL/L3_NO2')
# Define function to exclude cloudy pixels.
def maskClouds(image):
# Get the cloud fraction band of the image.
cf = image.select('cloud_fraction')
# Create a mask using 0.3 threshold.
mask = cf.lte(0.3); # You can play around with this value.
# Return a masked image.
return image.updateMask(mask).copyProperties(image)
# Clean and filter the Sentinel-5P NO2 offline product.
no2 = no2Raw \
.filterBounds(adminSelect) \
.map(maskClouds) \
# Create a median composite for March 2021
no2Median = no2.filterDate('2021-03-01', '2021-04-01').median()
# Clip it to your area of interest (only necessary for visualization purposes).
no2MedianClipped = no2Median.clipToCollection(adminSelect)
# Visualize the median NO2.
no2Viz = {
'min': 0,
'max': 0.00015,
'palette': ['black', 'blue', 'purple', 'cyan', 'green',
'yellow', 'red'
Map.addLayer(no2MedianClipped, no2Viz, 'median no2 Mar 2021')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Section 2: quantifying and vizualizing change
# Define a lockdown NO2 median composite.
no2Lockdown = no2.filterDate('2020-03-01', '2020-04-01') \
# Define a baseline NO2 median using the same month in the previous year.
no2Baseline = no2.filterDate('2019-03-01', '2019-04-01') \
# Create a ui map widget to hold the baseline NO2 image.
leftMap = ui.Map().centerObject(adminSelect, 8).setOptions(
# Create ta ui map widget to hold the lockdown NO2 image.
rightMap = ui.Map().setOptions('HYBRID')
# Create a split panel widget to hold the two maps.
sliderPanel = ui.SplitPanel({
'firstPanel': leftMap,
'secondPanel': rightMap,
'orientation': 'horizontal',
'wipe': True,
'style': {
'stretch': 'both'
linker = ui.Map.Linker([leftMap, rightMap])
# Make a function to add a label with fancy styling.
def makeMapLab(lab, position):
label = ui.Label({
'value': lab,
'style': {
'fontSize': '16px',
'color': '#ffffff',
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'backgroundColor': '#ffffff00',
'padding': '0px'
panel = ui.Panel({
'widgets': [label],
'layout': ui.Panel.Layout.flow('horizontal'),
'style': {
'position': position,
'backgroundColor': '#00000057',
'padding': '0px'
return panel
# Create baseline map layer, add it to the left map, and add the label.
no2BaselineLayer = ui.Map.Layer(no2Baseline, no2Viz)
leftMap.add(makeMapLab('Baseline 2019', 'top-left'))
# Create lockdown map layer, add it to the right map, and add the label.
no2LockdownLayer = ui.Map.Layer(no2Lockdown, no2Viz)
rightMap.add(makeMapLab('Lockdown 2020', 'top-right'))
# Reset the map interface (ui.root) with the split panel widget.
# Note that the Map.addLayer() calls earlier on in Section 1
# will no longer be shown because we have replaced the Map widget
# with the sliderPanel widget.
# Create a function to get the mean NO2 for the study region
# per image in the NO2 collection.
def getConc(collectionLabel, img):
return function(img) {
# Calculate the mean NO2.
no2Mean = img.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.mean(),
'geometry': adminSelect.geometry(),
'scale': 7000
# Get the day-of-year of the image.
doy = img.date().getRelative('day', 'year')
# Return a feature with NO2 concentration and day-of-year properties.
return ee.Feature(None, {
'conc': no2Mean,
'DOY': doy,
'type': collectionLabel
# Get the concentrations for a baseline and lockdown collection
# and merge for plotting.
no2AggChange_forPlotting = no2 \
.filterDate('2020-03-01', '2020-04-01') \
.map(getConc('lockdown')) \
.merge(no2.filterDate('2019-03-01', '2019-04-01') \
no2AggChange_forPlotting = no2AggChange_forPlotting \
# Make a chart.
chart1 = ui.Chart.feature.groups(
no2AggChange_forPlotting, 'DOY', 'conc', 'type') \
.setChartType('LineChart') \
'title': 'DOY time series for mean [NO2] during ' + \
'March 2019 (baseline) and 2020 (lockdown)'
# Print it to the console.
print('Baseline vs lockdown NO2 for the study region by DOY', chart1)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Section 3: calculating population-weighted concentrations
# Define the spatial resolution of the population data.
scalePop = 927.67; # See details in GEE Catalogue.
# Now we define a function that will map over the NO2 collection
# and calculate population-weighted concentrations.
# We will use the formula Exp = SUM {(Pi/P)*Ci}.
# We can calculate P outside of the function
# so that it is not computed multiple times for each NO2 image.
P = population.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.sum(),
'geometry': adminSelect.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop
# And here is the function.
def getPopWeightedConc(P, region, regionName, img):
return function(img) {
Ci = img
Pi = population
# Calculate the percentage of valid pixels in the region.
# (masked pixels will not be counted).
pixelCoverPerc = Ci.gte(0).unmask(0).multiply(100) \
'reducer': ee.Reducer.mean(),
'geometry': region.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop # Add in the scale of the population raster.
# Calculate the per-pixel EXP (see formula above).
exp = Pi.divide(ee.Image(ee.Number(P))).multiply(Ci)
# Sum the exp over the region.
expSum = exp.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.sum(),
'geometry': region.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop
# Calculate the mean NO2 - the approach that would usually
# be taken without population weighting.
no2Mean = Ci.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.mean(),
'geometry': region.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop
# Return a feature with properties
featOut = ee.Feature(None, {
'system:time_start': img.get(
'dateString': img.date().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
'regionName': regionName,
'no2ConcPopWeighted': expSum,
'no2ConcRaw': no2Mean,
'pixelCoverPerc': pixelCoverPerc
return featOut
# Filter the NO2 collection for March 2020 and map the function over it.
no2Agg_popWeighted = no2.filterDate('2020-03-01', '2020-04-01') \
.map(getPopWeightedConc(P, adminSelect, 'Wuhan'))
no2Agg_popWeighted = ee.FeatureCollection(no2Agg_popWeighted)
# Define the percentage of valid pixels you want in your region per time point.
# Here we choose 25; i.e. only images with at least 25% valid NO2 pixels.
validPixelPerc = 25; # you can play around with this value
# Filter the feature collection based on your pixel criteria.
no2Agg_popWeighted = no2Agg_popWeighted \
print('Population weighted no2 feature collection:',
# Create a feature collection for plotting the mean [NO2]
# and the mean pop-weighted [NO2] on the same graph.
def func_grd(ft):
return ft.set('conc', ft.get('no2ConcPopWeighted'),
'type', 'no2ConcPopWeighted')
no2Agg_forPlotting = no2Agg_popWeighted.map(func_grd
).merge(no2Agg_popWeighted.map(function(ft) {
def func_rng(ft):
return ft.set('conc', ft.get('no2ConcRaw'), 'type',
# Make a chart
chart2 = ui.Chart.feature.groups(
no2Agg_forPlotting, 'system:time_start', 'conc', 'type') \
.setChartType('LineChart') \
'title': 'Time series for mean [NO2] and the pop-weighted [NO2]'
# Print it to the console
print('Raw vs population-weighted NO2 for the study region', chart2)
# Export population-weighted data for multiple regions.
# First select the regions. This can also be done with
# .filterBounds() as in Line 9 above.
regions = adminUnits \
.filter(ee.Filter.inList('ADM1_NAME', ['Chongqing Shi',
'Hubei Sheng'
# Map a function over the regions that calculates population-weighted [NO2].
def func_pvo(region):
P = population.reduceRegion({
'reducer': ee.Reducer.sum(),
'geometry': region.geometry(),
'scale': scalePop
innerTable = no2.filterDate('2020-03-01',
'2020-04-01') \
.map(getPopWeightedConc(P, region, region.get(
return innerTable
No2AggMulti_popWeighted = regions.map(func_pvo
# Remember to filter out readings that have pixel percentage cover
# below your threshold
No2AggMulti_popWeighted = No2AggMulti_popWeighted \
# Run the export under the 'Tasks' tab on the right
# and find your CSV file in Google Drive later on.
'collection': No2AggMulti_popWeighted,
'description': 'no2_popWeighted',
'fileFormat': 'CSV'
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Display the interactive map¶
In [ ]: